Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Privacy you say

So far I have had my mortgage subpoenaed, and my credit report obtained (even though the ITC failed to pay attention when I tried to explain about the Identity theft incident as part of the series of crimes that were done to me by a former business partner). That credit report, by the way, is still under resolution with the help of the FTC.

I am on disability as a result of the terrorism (the reason I have a protection order). The Idaho Code does not require those with Social Security
disability income to file, yet that is not what has happened to me.

I have not been required to file for more than 10 years. This agreement was reinforced by my congressional representative and the IRS in 1997, following the 1994 tax and mail fraud by the former business partner. Three years of harassment by the IRS on this case and they never asked my former business partner to present the cancelled check he alleged he paid to me.

IMHO the Idaho Tax Commission makes the IRS look feeble in its attempts to rough people up.

Oh, I might add that I explained all of this to the ITC in 2002. Seems as if no one at the ITC ever looks in a file to verify facts. Or maybe they do not keep files. It is Clare Cunningham at the ITC who said, a year after I sent a copy of my protection order to Carolyn Hartman that they had no record of it.

Seems as if these people get on the run-a-way train at full steam ahead.

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