Monday, January 30, 2006

Amy, Can You Tell US Why You Left Your Job at the ITC?

In late 2004, Amy Brown from the ITC tells me she contacted the IRS to get my tax returns. She added that it was up to me to prove I was not an Idaho resident during the four years she demanded returns. She told me I had to "cooperate" because "someone" told her** I was in Idaho during these four years. I again have to ask what steps Amy took to verify this allegation. I've also tried to get Amy to tell me to whom she spoke at Latah County, where she claimed she got the information, but to no avail. Gee, Amy, didn't anyone ever tell you it is not nice to make threats, and by the way, it is also against the law. (** in legal-ese they call this 'hearsay' which holds water about as good as a paper boat trying to cross the Atlantic)

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